At a dinner some time ago, a friend and I discussed the beauties of nature, and he quoted the following:
‘Nature is precise, not perfect; otherwise there would be no evolution.’
The quote immediately struck a chord in me. Sadly, he was not sure of its author and I was unable to find in what context or purpose it was first expressed. However, not knowing the quote’s origin does not lessen the wisdom of the sentence.
For a long time, I have found perfection unattractive. The imperfection in people’s character and features is what makes them unique, what gives them their specific charm.
A spontaneous, non-rehearsed, fun element might ruin a perfectly planned evening for the perfectionist, it will also bring some life into it and makes it a memorable good time. Ooops, I have already digressed from perfection in nature to the concept of perfection in general. Ah well, I might as well continue to type my thoughts as they come then.
Precision is objective.
It can be quantified, verified, analysed. Precision is logical and mathematical. Scientific even.
Perfection cannot and is not. Perfection is subjective. It will always vary depending people, time and place. It reflects a social environment, a taste and/or an opinion, and more. It is not a fact (not even an ‘alternative‘ one, but let’s not go there).
Even in creativity – the realm of subjectivity – I do not believe in perfection. Many artists display incredible talents in mastering the use of their selected support, material and tools for their work. Their creations are breathtaking chef-d’oeuvres. I am more often than not in awe and admiration by the imagination, skill and – indeed – precision of the creatives in any domain. But not by their perfection. No, what attract and attach me to an artwork will be the little detail that stands out, a moving element, an intriguing shadow, as well as the emotion and unique style of the artist. That is the source of an unexpected twist and burst of life in a creative work.
Maybe this is it. Maybe this is why I have misgivings about the concept of perfection. In my book, perfection lacks passion and warmth. It lacks the zest of life. Because life, like nature, is not perfect. And unlike nature, it is not so precise either, but that is a subject for another article. To be continued…
Thank you for reading,