Taking my dog for a walk is always a little adventure in my mind. On the first day of the year, as we strolled, I found myself caught up in the beauty of a scene where the sky’s deep blue was having a quiet contest with the dark green of a towering pine tree. Just then, a group of birds flew over, dotting the sky with their tiny silhouettes, like a gentle animation bringing the scene to life. It struck a new spark in the creative side of my brain. Now, in the evenings, I keep taking my pencil to draw simple lines of flying birds, focusing on their elegant wings.
My sketches and lines have really taken on a life of their own, and who knows what curves and direction they’ll take next? That’s the magic of it all! Here is a sample of their evolution (to date):
Series “Les Oiseaux”, by Virginie BB, pencil and ink on cardboard.
Thank you for reading & take care, Virginie